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Kalash Palak Patta Radish Seeds (Muli ke Beej)

Kalash Seeds
Rs. 420.00 Rs. 450.00

7% off

Price inclusive of all taxes
Kalash Palak Patta Radish Seeds (Muli ke Beej) Details :
  • Palak Patta Leaves
  • Length : 20-22 Cm
  • Long Attractive White Root
  • Mature In 40-45 Days
  • Suitable for Kharif Season 
  • Color- White 
  • Shape- Dome
  • Leaf Colour - Green 
  • Average Weight- 1.5-2 kg
  • Root Shape: Cylindrical (Mildly Pungent)
FAQs for the Kalash Palak Patta Radish Seeds (Muli Ke Beej)
1. What is the best time to plant Kalash Palak Patta Radish Seeds?
Answer: The best time to plant these radish seeds is during the cooler months of spring and autumn. Radishes thrive in temperatures between 15°C to 20°C.
2. How should I prepare the soil for planting these radish seeds?
Answer: Prepare the soil by ensuring it is well-drained and loose. Incorporate organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to improve soil fertility and structure.
3. What is the recommended planting depth and spacing for these radish seeds?
Answer: Sow the radish seeds about 1-2 cm deep. Space the seeds 5-10 cm apart in rows that are 15-20 cm apart to allow for proper root development.
4. How often should I water the radish plants?
Answer: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Radishes require regular watering, typically once or twice a week, depending on weather conditions and soil moisture.
5. How long does it take for Kalash Palak Patta Radish Seeds to germinate?
Answer: Germination typically occurs within 7-10 days under optimal conditions.
6. What are the common pests and diseases affecting radishes, and how can I manage them?
Answer: Common pests include aphids and radish flies. Diseases such as downy mildew and root rot can also occur. Use appropriate organic or chemical treatments and practice good garden hygiene to manage these issues.