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Light and sandy soils are unable to hold onto water when arid conditions prevail and humus is lacking. Sands reside in a condition of ‘feast or famine,’ since water and nutrients are only available for a short time after they are applied. So, in such soils transportation of water and nutrients to the plant roots is difficult, resulting in unhealthy plant growth. So, the need for a precise medium for transporting available nutrients from the soil to the plant roots was felt. This need resulted in biotechnology innovation called HUMDUM! It is a powerful combination of specific humic substances that bind to, and help plant roots receive water and nutrients.
Fertigation: Add 3 to 5 liters of HUMDUM liquid in 200 liters of water. Apply this solution to one acre of land before planting and after basal dose of fertilizers. Apply this solution every month for better results.
Direct to soil: Mix 3 to 5 liters of HUMDUM with 100 kg of organic manure and apply as regular soil application for one acre of land. Use of this mixture at every dose of manure application is recommended.
Foliar Application: Mix 5 ml HUMDUM in 1 liter water & spray at vegetative & reproductive growth phase
Composition: Humic substances 6%