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MULTIPLEX FLOWER BOOSTER Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer

Rs. 180.00 Rs. 190.00

5% off

Price inclusive of all taxes
MULTIPLEX FLOWER BOOSTER Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer Details :
  • Multiplex Flower Booster is multi micronutrient fertilizer which contains essential nutrients like Mg, Ca, B, Zn etc. required for better flowering.
  • It can be used for all kinds of garden plants and orchids, etc.
  • After the application of the Multiplex Flower Booster usually plants give more flowers and hence repeat the application of both organic and inorganic fertilizer so that continuous flower production is maintained.
  • Technical Details :- Contains all essential nutrients - major, second and trace elements in easily available form.
Key Features and Benefits
  • It increases flower production.
  • It keeps plants healthy, greener and very attractive.
  • It increases the number of flowers, plant size and keeping quality of cut flowers.
  • It maintains the original color, aroma and keeping quality of cut flowers after harvest, which includes other flowers in general.
Multiplex Flower Booster Usage and Crops
  • Recommended Crops:  All garden plants.
  • Dosage:  4 gm or 4 ml in one litre of water.
  • Method of Application: Foliar Spray or sprinkle the solution on leaves, branches and stem of plants. Repeat spray after 20 days
  • Additional Information :- Immediately after applying the Multiplex Flower, ensure sufficient moisture is maintained in the soil supporting the plant.
FAQs for Multiplex Flower Booster Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer:
1. What is Multiplex Flower Booster Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer?
Answer: Multiplex Flower Booster is a specialized micronutrient fertilizer designed to improve flower production and enhance the growth of flowering plants by supplying essential micronutrients like zinc, copper, iron, manganese, boron, and molybdenum.
2. What crops or plants can I use Multiplex Flower Booster on?
Answer: Multiplex Flower Booster is suitable for all flowering plants, including ornamental plants, fruit trees, and vegetable crops that require enhanced flowering and fruiting.
3. How do I apply Multiplex Flower Booster?
Answer: It can be applied by foliar spray or mixed with irrigation water. Ensure even coverage on the leaves for better absorption. For foliar application, dissolve the recommended dosage in water and spray directly on the plants.
4. What are the benefits of using Multiplex Flower Booster?
Answer: It helps in increasing the number of flowers, improving flower size, color vibrancy, and boosting overall plant health. It corrects micronutrient deficiencies that affect flowering and fruiting.
5. How often should I apply Multiplex Flower Booster?
Answer: For optimal results, apply the fertilizer every 15-20 days during the flowering stage of the plants. Always follow the instructions on the label for the recommended frequency.
6. Can Multiplex Flower Booster be used in organic farming?
Answer: Multiplex Flower Booster contains chemical-based micronutrients and is not certified organic. It is designed for conventional farming and gardening practices.

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