Geolife Nano Fertilizer Mg Nano Fertilizer Mg 13.3%, Chelated With Aminos And 100 % Water Soluble Magnesium, Create Metabolism Of Carbohydrates
Mg – 13.3% EDTA Chelated with Aminos and 100% water-soluble Magnesium is the powerhouse behind photosynthesis in plants. Without magnesium, chlorophyll cannot capture the sun energy needed for photosynthesis. Magnesium is required to give leaves their green color.
Magnesium is also used by plants for the metabolism of carbohydrates and in the cell membrane stabilization.
Magnesium deficiency appears on older leaves first as they become yellow between the veins and around the edges. Purple, red, or brown may also appear on the leaves.
Recommended doses: One or two sprays per month, total no. of spray & concentration of use should be decided depending upon crop growth stage & nutrient require.
Concentration of use 50 gram/ acre.
50 gms for 150litres of water in Foliar Application.