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Borontose - Boron Liquid Micro Nutrient Fertilizer Suitable For Fruit , Vegetable , Flowers Crops

Rs. 190.00 Rs. 210.00

10% off

Price inclusive of all taxes
Maltose Borontose is a fully formulated Boron liquid micro nutrient fertilizer containing a high concentration of Boron for foliar application and can penetrate with good mobility within the Plant, to prevent and treat boron on a wi de range of crops.
- Maltose Borontose plays a key role in a diverse range of plant functions including cell wall formation and stability maintenance of structural and functional integrity of biological membranes, movement of Sugar or energy into growing parts of plants and helps in pollination and seed set. Adequate Boron is also required for effective nitrogen fixation and no dulation in legume crops.
- Maltose Borontose formulation ensures rapid and uniform spread of the product and Enhances boron absorption.
Recommended Crops:
- Maltose Borontose is suitable for Fruit crops, Vegetable crops, Flower crops, plantation crops, Spices and condiments crops, Medicinal crops, Aromatic crops and gardening plants.
Dosage: 0.5-1 ml/ltr Water
Recommended for Flower Boosting and to Control Flower Drop.