Aries Agro Chelafer EDTA Ferrous 12% Fertilizer Details :
Chemical composition - EDTA Ferrous 12%
Product Description -
1. Fine yellow powder, 100% soluble in water.
2. Chelafer can be safely used to prevent and correct iron deficiency in all crops.
3. Chelafer increases the productivity of tillers.
4. It induces resistance to pests and diseases.
5. Chelafer boosts growth rate, dry matter accumulation and increases yields.
6. Corrects Iron deficiency thereby activating several enzymes required for growth and development of crops.
Recommended crops - All crops.
Dose -
- 1 gm per litre of water,
- 15 gm per 15 litre pump,
- 150 gm per acre spray.
FAQs for Aries Agro Chelafer EDTA Ferrous 12% Fertilizer
1. What is Aries Agro Chelafer EDTA Ferrous 12% Fertilizer used for?
Ans. It is a chelated iron (Fe-EDTA) fertilizer used to prevent and correct iron deficiency in plants, ensuring healthy green foliage and better crop growth.
2. What is the role of iron (Fe) in plant growth?
Ans. Iron is essential for chlorophyll formation, helping plants carry out photosynthesis efficiently. It also improves enzyme activity and metabolic processes in plants.
3. Which crops can benefit from Aries Agro Chelafer EDTA Ferrous 12%?
Suitable for all crops, including:
Vegetables: Tomato, Chilli, Brinjal, Spinach
Fruits: Banana, Citrus, Grapes, Mango
Cereals & Pulses: Rice, Wheat, Maize, Soybean
Flowers & Ornamentals: Rose, Marigold, Jasmine
4. What are the symptoms of iron deficiency in plants?
Yellowing of young leaves (interveinal chlorosis)
Slow growth and reduced yield
Poor fruit setting and smaller fruits
5. How should Aries Agro Chelafer EDTA Ferrous 12% be applied?
Ans. It can be applied through foliar spray, soil application, or fertigation (drip irrigation).
6. What is the recommended dosage for foliar spray?
Ans. Mix 0.5-1 gram per liter of water and spray on the leaves.
7. What is the recommended dosage for drip irrigation?
Ans. Use 200-500 grams per acre through fertigation.