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Premium micro Active is a Multi micronutrient formulation. It is a balanced formula of the various micronutrient mix for better results of plants and these increase in yield micronutrients contributing to healthy plant growth and disease-free plant. premium micro Active helps to overcome the micronutrient deficiency in all crops by the balanced formulation. It helps to enhance higher crop yield.
It having major elements in the Chelating farm of Zinc which helps in plant hormone balance, Auxin activity & division of cells. ferrous assists in biological process, photosynthesis, and chlorophyll synthesis. Boron helps in the uniform ripening process and is essential in sugar transport and amino acid production. Manganese activates enzymes and chloroplast production.
Dissolve 2 to 3 ml/ liter of water. At the time of seed sowing/ transplanting after 20-25 days.
for all crops like flower, fruits, vegetables, ornamental, plantation and other commercial crops.