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Sahib Rice Pole Star Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 6.7% w/w EC Herbicide

Rs. 1790.00 Rs. 2050.00

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Sahib Rice Pole Star Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 6.7% w/w EC Herbicide Details :

  • Sahib Rice Pole Star Herbicide is a selective, post-emergence herbicide formulated to effectively control grassy weeds in rice cultivation. Its precision weed management ensures that rice crops grow without competition, leading to higher yields and better crop quality. With a high level of crop safety, this herbicide is the ideal choice for rice farmers looking for an efficient and reliable weed control solution.
Technical Content Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 6.7% w/w EC
Mode of Action Systemic
Mode of Entry Absorbed through leaves and stems, then translocated to weeds
Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Application Method Foliar Spray
Target Crops Rice
Target Weeds Grassy weeds like Echinochloa spp. (Barnyard Grass), Leptochloa spp., Panicum spp.
Dosage 250 ml per acre
Recommended Application Timing Post-emergence (when weeds are at 2-4 leaf stage)

Features & Benefits

  • Selective Weed Control: Targets a broad spectrum of grassy weeds while ensuring crop safety.
  • Fast & Effective Action: Rapidly absorbed, leading to quick weed suppression and long-lasting control.
  • Crop Safety: Designed specifically for rice crops, ensuring minimal risk of crop damage.
  • High Compatibility: Can be tank-mixed with other herbicides for comprehensive weed management.
  • Increases Yield Potential: Eliminates weed competition, allowing rice plants to absorb more nutrients and water.
  • Rainfast Technology: Provides effective control even under changing weather conditions.

Usage & Application

  • Foliar Spray: Mix 250 ml of Sahib Rice Pole Star Herbicide with the required amount of water per acre.
  • Application Timing: Apply post-emergence when weeds are at the 2-4 leaf stage for maximum effectiveness.
  • Precautions: Avoid application on windy days or before rainfall to ensure proper absorption.
FAQs for Sahib Rice Pole Star Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl 6.7% w/w EC Herbicide
1. What is Sahib Rice Pole Star Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl 6.7% EC Herbicide?
Ans. Sahib Rice Pole Star is a systemic post-emergence herbicide containing Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl 6.7% w/w EC, specially formulated to control grassy weeds in paddy (rice) fields.
2. What are the benefits of using this herbicide?
  • Effectively controls narrow-leaved grassy weeds in rice fields.
  • Provides quick absorption and long-lasting action.
  • Enhances nutrient availability to crops by eliminating weed competition.
  • Selective action ensures no harm to paddy crops.
3. Which weeds does it control?
Ans. This herbicide is effective against:
  • Echinochloa spp. (Barnyard Grass)
  • Leptochloa chinensis (Sprangletop)
  • Dinebra retroflexa
  • Panicum repens (Torpedo Grass)
4. How to apply Sahib Rice Pole Star Herbicide?
  • Application Timing: Apply 15-25 days after transplanting (DAT) when weeds are in the early growth stage.
  • Dosage: 400-600 ml per acre, mixed with 150-200 liters of water.
  • Method: Use a knapsack sprayer with a flat-fan nozzle for uniform coverage.
5. Can this herbicide be mixed with other herbicides or pesticides?
Ans. It is not recommended to mix with other herbicides, but if needed, a jar test should be done first. Avoid mixing with broadleaf herbicides.
6. How soon does it start working?
Ans. Visible effects like yellowing and wilting appear 3-5 days after application, with complete weed control within 10-15 days.
7. Is there any waiting period after application before harvesting?
Ans. Yes, the waiting period is 30-35 days before harvesting to ensure residue-free rice.

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