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Nominee Gold Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC Herbicide

PI Industries
Rs. 500.00 Rs. 704.00

29% off

Price inclusive of all taxes
Nominee Gold Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC Herbicide Details :
  • Nominee Gold Herbicide is a post-emergent broad-spectrum herbicide for the control of grasses, sedges, and broadleaf weeds especially in rice crops.
  • Nominee Gold technical name - Bispyribac sodium 10% SC
  • It comprises organic sodium salt of bispyribac belonging to Group- 2 herbicide.
  • Nominee Gold effectively controls weeds in all types of rice cultivation viz., rice nursery, direct seeded rice cultivation and transplanted rice.
  • It gets quickly absorbed by foliage and roots of weeds.
Nominee Gold Herbicide Technical Details
  • Technical Content: Bispyribac sodium 10% SC
  • Mode of Entry: Systemic
  • Mode of Action: Bispyribac sodium is a systemic herbicide that moves throughout the plant tissue and works by interfering with the production of the enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS), necessary for plant growth.
Key Features & Benefits
  • Nominee Gold Herbicide is a broad-Spectrum herbicide majorly effective in controlling grasses, sedges and broad-leaved weeds in the rice ecosystem.
  • Quickly absorbed by plants and the results are unaffected even if it rains after 6 hours of application.
  • It has an excellent rice crop selectivity i.e.; it focusses majorly on target weeds without affecting the rice crop yield and quality
  • Nominee Gold Herbicide is post-emergent offering a wide application window from 2-5 leaf stages of weeds.
  • It is cost effective as it works effectively at a very lower dose of application i.e., 80-120ml/acre.
Nominee Gold Herbicide Usage & Crops


Target Weeds

Dosage / Ha (Ml)

Dilution In Water (L/Ha)



Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colonum


200 -240



Ischaemum rugosum, Cyperus difformis, Cyperus iria


200 -240


(Direct seeded)

Fimbristylis miliacea, Eclipta alba, Ludwigia parviflora, Monochoria vaginalis, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Sphenoclcea zeylenica


200 -240

Method of Application

  • Nursery: 10-12 days after sowing
  • Transplanted Rice: Within 10-14 days when most of the weeds have already emerged and are of 3-4 leaf stage depending upon soil and climatic factors.
  • Direct seeded Rice: Within 15-25 days for direct sown rice.
  • Remove water from the rice field.
  • Targeted weeds should directly be exposed to NOMINEE GOLD spray.
  • Mix required dosage of Nominee Gold (80-120 ml per acre) with adequate quantity of water
  • Use flat fan/ flood jet nozzle for spray.
  • Spray mist should cover the foliar parts of weeds at application.
  • Avoid Spray if rain is expected in 6 hrs.
  • Re-flood the field within 48 - 72 hrs. of application.
  • Maintain standing water of 3-4 cm for 5-7 days to suppress weed emergence.
Additional Information
  • Nominee Gold Herbicide is compatible with other plant protection chemicals including carbamates and organophosphate insecticides without any adverse effect on rice crops.
  • Flexible in time of application with a wide application window.
  • A novel herbicide at a low-cost range with lower dosage level.
FAQs for Nominee Gold Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC Herbicide:
1. What is Nominee Gold Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC Herbicide?
Answer: Nominee Gold is a selective herbicide containing 10% Bispyribac Sodium. It is used to control broadleaf and grassy weeds in rice crops.
2. How does Nominee Gold work?
Answer: Bispyribac Sodium acts as an inhibitor of the enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS), which is essential for weed growth. This results in the cessation of growth and eventual death of the weeds.
3. What weeds does Nominee Gold control?
Answer: Nominee Gold is effective against a range of broadleaf and grassy weeds in rice, including but not limited to Echinochloa, Cyperus, and Monochoria.
4. How should Nominee Gold be applied?
Answer: Apply Nominee Gold as a foliar spray. Ensure that the herbicide is evenly distributed over the target weeds. For specific application rates and timing, refer to the product label.
5. What is the recommended dosage for Nominee Gold?
Answer: The recommended dosage depends on the specific weed species and rice variety. Consult the product label or a local agricultural expert for precise application rates.
6. Are there any safety precautions to follow when using Nominee Gold?
Answer: Yes, wear protective clothing, gloves, and a mask during application. Follow all safety instructions on the product label to avoid exposure and potential harm.
7. Can Nominee Gold be mixed with other herbicides or pesticides?
Answer: Nominee Gold may be compatible with other products, but it is important to check for compatibility and follow the mixing instructions on the product label.