Composition :
12 to 14 %
Total Nitrogen(DB)
Not Less Than 4%
Organic Carbon (DB)
Not Less Than 50%
Protein Hdrolysate (DB)
Not Less Than 25%
Other Trace Nutrients(DB)
around 1%
- Address the phosphorus deficiency in all crops.
- Promotes the development of the healthy primary roots and their subsequent branches.
- Enhances flowering and increases fruit and seed production.
- Effective for the healthy crop production and higher yields.
- Helps in Photosynthesis and respiration.Completely Biodegradable and improves soil health.
- Compatible to be used along with other fertilizers/Pesticides.
It is recommended for vegetables, fruits, wheat, maize, paddy, cotton, cereals, horticultural crop
and all other crops.
Method Of Application & Dosage:
Foliar Application 2-3 ml / It of
Drip Irrigation 1-1.5 Ltr/acre