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Star 444 Green Gram Seeds (Moong ke Beej)

Star AgriSeeds
Rs. 740.00 Rs. 750.00

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  Shipping Charge : Rs.80.00


Star 444 Green Gram Seeds (Moong ke Beej) Details :
  • Green gram also known as moong is one of the main pulse crop of India. It is a rich source of Protein along with fibre and iron. 
  • It can be cultivated as Kharif as well as summer crop. It can be cultivated on wide range of soil. Gives best result when grown on well drained loamy to sandy-loam soils. 
  • Saline and water logged soils are not suitable for cultivation. 
  • Use row spacing of 30 cm and plant to plant spacing of 10 cm for Kharif sowing. 
  • For Rabi sowing use row spacing of 22.5 cm and plant to plant spacing of 7 cm. 
  • Sow seeds at depth of 4-6 cm. For Kharif season, use seed rate of 8-9 kg/acre whereas for summer season used seed rate of 12-15 kg/acre. 
  • Seed should be treated with Captan or Thiram @3 gm/kg of seed before sowing. 
  • 5 kg of Nitrogen (12 kg of Urea), 16 kg of P2O5 (100 kg of Superphosphate) should be applied per acre at time of sowing. 
  • Moong is mainly grown as a kharif crop. 
  • If needed provide irrigation depending upon the climatic conditions. For summer season crop, three to five irrigations are required depending upon soil type and climatic condition. 
  • For good yield stop irrigation 55 days after sowing. 
  • Best time of harvesting when 85% of pods get matured. 
  • Over-ripening of pods should be avoided as produce may be lost due to shattering. Do harvesting with sickle. 
  • After harvesting carried out threshing. After threshing, seeds are cleaned and dried in the sunshine.
 FAQs for Star 444 Green Gram Seeds (Moong Ke Beej) 
1. What is Star 444 Green Gram (Moong) Seed?
Ans. Star 444 Green Gram is a high-yielding moong (green gram) variety known for its fast growth, disease resistance, and high nutritional value. It is widely grown in kharif and summer seasons.
2. What are the benefits of growing Star 444 Green Gram?
  • High yield potential
  • Short-duration crop (ready for harvest in 60-70 days)
  • Good resistance to pests and diseases
  • Suitable for intercropping and crop rotation
  • Rich in protein and essential nutrients
3. What is the ideal sowing time for Star 444 Green Gram?
  • Kharif Season: June – July (with the onset of monsoon)
  • Rabi Season: October – November (in irrigated areas)
  • Summer Season: February – March (with proper irrigation)
4. What is the recommended seed rate per acre?
  • 8-10 kg per acre for line sowing
  • 10-12 kg per acre for broadcasting method
5. What is the ideal soil and climate for Star 444 Green Gram?
  • Prefers well-drained loamy soil with good moisture retention.
  • Grows best in warm and tropical climates with 20-30°C temperature.
  • Avoid waterlogging conditions.
6. What is the spacing and sowing depth for Star 444 Green Gram?
  • Row spacing: 30-40 cm
  • Plant spacing: 10-15 cm
  • Sowing depth: 3-5 cm deep
7. What is the fertilizer requirement for Star 444 Green Gram?
  • Basal dose: Apply 10-12 kg nitrogen (N), 16-20 kg phosphorus (P), and 8-10 kg potassium (K) per acre before sowing.
  • Top dressing: Use organic manure or foliar spray of nutrients for better growth.

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