Advanta Jumbo Gold Multicut Hybrid Forage Grass Seed Details :
- Multicut (4 to 5 Cuts with 50 Days interval), High biomass and better standibility
- Good rejuvenation with strong stem
- Suitable for dry and irrigated conditions.
- Tolerant to water stress as well as water logging conditions
- Tolerant to major pests(Stem borer and shoot fly) under natural field conditions
- High Digestibility with high protein and high metabolic energy.
- Resistant to Lodging.
- Seed Rate: 10 Kg Per Acre
Agronomy & Management
- Soil: Fodder crops can be grown well on a wide range of soil types Soil pH should be 5.5 to 7.0, well drained soils are most suitable. Avoid acidic and saline soils.
- Water & Irrigation: Jumbo Gold should irrigate before 7 days intervals in summer and 12 days interval in rainy season. For better palatability crop should be with high moisture. Sufficient irrigation will boost the healthy and expected bio-mass yield in forage crops.
- Sowings: Although Jumbo Gold is easy to establish, prepare good seedbed for good germination and root development.
- Sowing Type:
- Ridges & Furrows: For staggered sowing, harvesting, irrigation and fertigation ridges and furrows method is very successful to get high yield and high quality fodder.
- Blocks Method:Blocks method is another successful method in forage cultivation. Farmer can harvest the fodder as per in requirement and irrigate the same block.
- Sowing Time: Spring - Feb to April , Kharif - May to August , Rabi (Central India and South India only) - September to November
- Spacing: Jumbo Gold spacing is row to row 25 cm X plant to plant 10 cm
- Post Cutting Activities: Apply adequate nitrogen and water for regeneration of fresh leaves and Stems.
- Cutting & Harvesting: Jumbo Gold can cut at feed at any time but 1 meter to 1.5 meter is idle height to get more benefits from green fodder Jumbo Gold should cut above 6 to 8 inches height from the ground level while harvesting/ cutting which is necessary to get immediate re-growth for multi-cut.
Fertilizer: Fertilizer should use according to the soil test results.
- N-30 Kg (60 Kg Urea),
- P-15 Kg (30 Kg DAP or 100 kg SSP),
- K-10 Kg (20 Kg Potash) per Acre.
- Adequate nitrogen will ensure the crop fast growth and quick recovery after cutting. Apply Nitrogen as top dressing to get optimum benefit.
- Insect & Disease Management: Jumbo Gold can be infected by Stem borer and Shoot borer. Apply 8 Kg of UMET per acre before sowing to control shoot and stem borer.
- Post Cutting Activities: Apply adequate nitrogen and water for regeneration of fresh leaves and Stems.
- Cutting & Harvesting: Jumbo Gold can cut at feed at any time but 1 meter to 1.5 meter is idle height to get more benefits from green fodder Jumbo Gold should cut above 6 to 8 inches height from the ground level while harvesting/ cutting which is necessary to get immediate re-growth for multi-cut.
FAQs for Advanta Jumbo Gold Multicut Hybrid Forage Grass Seed
1. What is Advanta Jumbo Gold Multicut Hybrid Forage Grass Seed?
Ans. Advanta Jumbo Gold is a high-yielding hybrid forage grass seed known for its fast growth, multiple cuts, and superior nutrition, making it an ideal choice for livestock feed.
2. What are the key benefits of using this forage grass?
- Multicut variety – provides multiple harvests in one season.
- High protein content, enhancing livestock nutrition.
- Fast regrowth, ensuring continuous fodder availability.
- Drought-tolerant and adaptable to various climates.
3. Which livestock can benefit from this forage grass?
Ans. This forage grass is suitable for feeding:
- Dairy cattle
- Buffaloes
- Sheep & Goats
- Horses
4. What is the sowing season for Advanta Jumbo Gold?
Ans. It is best sown during:
- Kharif season (June – August) for rain-fed areas.
- Rabi season (February – March) under irrigated conditions.
5. What is the recommended sowing method?
- Broadcasting: Spread seeds evenly across the field.
- Line Sowing: Sow seeds in rows at a spacing of 25-30 cm for better growth and yield.
- Seed Rate: 5-6 kg per acre for optimal production.
6. How long does it take for the first harvest?
Ans. The first harvest can be done 50-55 days after sowing, with subsequent cuts every 30-40 days under good management.
7. How many cuts can be obtained from one sowing?
Ans. With proper irrigation and fertilizer application, 6-7 cuts can be obtained in one season.