Adama Bumper Propiconazole 25% EC Fungicide Details :
- The bumper is a systemic foliar fungicide that belongs to the triazole group.
- The bumper is a fungicide with protection & curation action with translocation acropetally in the xylem.
- The bumper has broad spectrum activity against a wide range of fungal diseases caused by basidiomycetes, ascomycetes & deutromycetes fungi.
- CROPS - Wheat, Rice, Ground Nut, Tea, Soyabean.
- INSECTS/ DISEASE - Karnal Bunt, Leaf Rust, Sheath Blight, Early Leaf Spot, Blister Blight.
- DOSAGE - 200ml/ Acre.
FAQs for Adama Bumper (Propiconazole 25% EC) Fungicide
1. What is Adama Bumper used for?
Ans. Adama Bumper is a systemic fungicide used to protect crops from a wide range of fungal diseases, such as rust, leaf spots, and powdery mildew.
2. What is the active ingredient in this fungicide?
Ans. The active ingredient is Propiconazole 25%, which is highly effective against fungal infections.
3. How does it work?
Ans. Propiconazole inhibits the synthesis of fungal cell membranes, stopping fungal growth and preventing disease spread.
4. Which crops is it suitable for?
Ans. It is recommended for crops like wheat, rice, groundnut, tea, mango, grapes, bananas, and various vegetables.
5. What diseases can this fungicide control?
Ans. It effectively controls diseases such as:
Sheath blight
Powdery mildew
Leaf spots
6. What is the recommended dosage?
Ans. The typical dosage is 200-250 ml per hectare, depending on the crop and disease. Always follow the label instructions for exact rates.
7. How should it be applied?
Ans. Apply as a foliar spray using a knapsack or power sprayer. Ensure uniform coverage for the best results.
8. Can it be tank-mixed with other products?
Ans. Yes, it is compatible with many insecticides and fungicides. Perform a compatibility test before mixing with other chemicals.