2% off
Seed Rate: 3 Kg Per Care
Agronomy & Management
Soil:Fodder crops can be grown well on a wide range of soil types Soil pH should be 5.5 to 7.0, and Avoid acidic and saline soils. Drained soils yield well.
Water & Irrigation: Nutrifeed is tolerant to drought but should irrigate before 7 days intervals in summer and 12 days intervals in the rainy season. For better palatability crop should be with high moisture. Sufficient irrigation will boost the healthy and expected bio-mass yield in forage crops.
Sowings: Although Nutrifeed is comparatively easy to establish, prepare a good seedbed for good germination and root development. Where irrigation is available, the better establishment will be obtained by pre-watering and sowing into moisture, rather than watering after sowing. Sowing depth 3cm to 5 cm with soil covering for compaction Row to Row Spacing is 30 cm and Plant to Plant is 25 cm
Sowing Type:
Ridges & Furrows: For staggered sowing, harvesting, irrigation and fertigation ridges and furrows method is very successful to get high yield and high-quality fodder.
Blocks Method: The blocks method is another successful method in forage cultivation. Farmer can harvest the fodder as per in requirement and irrigate the same block.
Sowing Time:
Spring - Feb to April
Kharif - May to August
Rabi (Central India and South India only) - September to October
Seed Rate:2 to 3 Kg per Acre
Spacing: Nutrifeed spacing is row to row 30 cm X plant to plant 25 cm
Cutting & Harvesting: Nutrifeed can cut and feed at any time but 1 meter to 1.2 meters is idle height to get more benefits from green fodder in terms of nutritive values. Nutrifeed should be cut 6 to 8 inches above ground level when harvesting to promote faster re-growth for multi-cut.
Post Cutting Activities: Apply adequate nitrogen and water for the regeneration of fresh leaves and Stems.
Fertilizer: Fertilizer should use according to the soil test results.
N-30 Kg (60 Kg Urea),
P-25 Kg (45 Kg DAP or 120 kg SSP),
K-10 Kg (20 Kg Potash) per Acre is recommended for Nutrifeed.
Adequate nitrogen will ensure the crop's fast growth and quick recovery after cutting. Apply Nitrogen as a top dressing to get optimum benefit.
Weed Control Weeds in Nutrifeed can be easily controlled by spraying 1 Kg Atrazine 50% WP per 1 acre.
Insect & Disease Management From past experience, No pests and diseases have been observed. Please follow the guidelines of the company executive for control measures.
FAQs for Advanta Nutrifeed PAC 981 Multicut Forage Millet Seeds
1. What is Advanta Nutrifeed PAC 981?
Answer: Advanta Nutrifeed PAC 981 is a variety of multicut forage millet seeds designed for high biomass production and nutritional value for livestock feed.
2. What are the key benefits of planting Advanta Nutrifeed PAC 981?
Answer: This forage millet variety offers high yield potential, excellent nutritional content, and the ability to be harvested multiple times within a growing season. It provides quality feed with high digestibility and protein content.
3. How do I plant Advanta Nutrifeed PAC 981 seeds?
Answer: Prepare the soil by tilling and leveling it. Sow the seeds at a depth of about 1-2 inches and maintain row spacing of 12-18 inches. Ensure good seed-to-soil contact for optimal germination.
4. What are the ideal growing conditions for this forage millet?
Answer: It thrives in well-drained soils with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. It requires full sunlight and moderate rainfall. Ensure adequate irrigation during dry periods to support growth.
5. How often can Advanta Nutrifeed PAC 981 be harvested?
Answer: This variety can be harvested multiple times throughout the growing season, typically every 40-60 days, depending on growth conditions and management practices.
6. What are the recommended fertilization practices?
Answer: Apply balanced fertilizers according to soil test recommendations. A general guideline is to use a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, with an emphasis on nitrogen to support vigorous growth.
7. Are there any specific pest or disease management practices for this forage millet?
Answer: Regularly monitor for common pests such as aphids and mites, and diseases like downy mildew. Implement integrated pest management strategies, including crop rotation and the use of resistant varieties.