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Ajeet 33 F1 Hybrid Bottle Gourd Seeds (Lauki ke Beej)

Ajeet Seeds
Rs. 570.00 Rs. 620.00

8% off

Price inclusive of all taxes
  Shipping Charge : Rs.80.00


Ajeet 33 F1 Hybrid Bottle Gourd Seeds (Lauki ke Beej) Details :
  • Duration (DAS): 120-130 days
  • First Picking: 50-55 days after sowing
  • Fruit Color: Attractive light green
  • Fruit Shape: Uniform cylindrical
  • Fruit Length: 30-35 cm
  • Fruit Weight: 700-900 g
  • Seed rate/Acre: 800 gm- 1.5 kg
  • Flesh Texture: Very tender
  • Yield Potential: Excellent
  • Disease Reaction: Tolerant to Powdery Mildew & Downy Mildew
  • Sowing Season: Kharif, Rabi, and Summer

Features and Benefits:

  • Vigorous & Strong Vine Growth: Ensures continuous and high-yield production
  • Excellent Disease Tolerance: Good resistance to Powdery Mildew & Downy Mildew
  • Early Maturity: First picking at 50-55 days after sowing
  • Uniform Cylindrical Fruits: Attractive light green color and consistent size
  • Very Tender Flesh: Ideal for fresh consumption and culinary use
  • Long Shelf Life & Transportability: Excellent keeping quality, perfect for long-distance transport
FAQs for Ajeet 33 F1 Hybrid Bottle Gourd Seeds
1. What makes Ajeet 33 F1 Hybrid Bottle Gourd special?
Ans. Ajeet 33 F1 Hybrid Bottle Gourd is a high-yielding variety with uniform, cylindrical fruits, smooth light-green skin, and excellent disease resistance. It has a long harvesting period and performs well in different climatic conditions.
2. What is the average yield of Ajeet 33 F1 Hybrid Bottle Gourd?
Ans. Under proper management, it provides a high yield with prolonged fruiting, ensuring better profits for farmers.
3. What are the key features of Ajeet 33 F1 Hybrid Bottle Gourd?
  • Vigorous and fast-growing vines
  • Uniform, tender, and smooth fruits
  • Long harvesting period
  • Good disease resistance
  • High market demand due to excellent quality
4. When is the best time to sow Ajeet 33 F1 Hybrid Bottle Gourd Seeds?
  • It can be grown in Summer, Rainy, and mild Winter seasons.
  • Best sowing time: February to September
5. What is the recommended seed rate per acre?
Ans. 500-800 grams per acre, depending on soil conditions and spacing.
6. What is the germination rate of Ajeet 33 F1 Hybrid Bottle Gourd Seeds?
Ans. It has a high germination rate of 80-90% under ideal conditions.
7. What is the average fruit size and weight?
Ans. Fruits weigh between 1.5-3 kg, depending on soil fertility and crop management.

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