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(Beauveria bassiana) - 1x108 CFUs/ml/gm. Foliar application & Wettable Powder
ALMAX is a biological insecticide based on a selected strain of naturally-occurring entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. It contains spare and mycelia fragments of Beauveria .bassiana, the spores of the fungus when comes in contact with the cuticle of the target pest insect it germinates and grows directly through the spiracle in the cuticle into the inner body of the host, by taking nutrients from the insect proliferates, produces a toxin called Beauvericin that weakens the host's immune system. and colonizes the entire insect, thus drains the nutrients and the infected insects die. After the insect dies, an antibiotic is produced that enables the fungus to outcompete intestinal bacteria
Beauveria bassiana sp (1x108 CFUs/ml ) Min - 1.50%
Growth Media, Osmatic (Stabilizer Dispersal agent) - 98.50%
Total - 100%
Mix ALMAX at the proportion of 2-3ml per liter of water/ drip irrigation / FYM. Individual Plants 2ml / 2 gms / liter of water & apply directly into the soil.
Aphids, Whiteflies, Mealybugs, Psyllids ,Chinch bug, Lygus bugs, Grasshoppers, Stink bugs (Halyomorpha halys), Thrips, Termites, Fire ants ,Flies Stem borers, Fungal gnats , Shore flies , Beetles- Bark beetle, Black vine ,weevil Boll ,weevil Cereal, leaf beetle ,Coffee borer beetle, Colorado potato beetle, Emerald ash borer , Red palm weevil, Strawberry root weevil , Caterpillars- Codling moth, Douglas fir tussock moth ,European corn borer, Invasive silkworms ,Apple clearwing moth & Mites
Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fiber Crops, Sugar Crops, Forage Crops, Plantation crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal crops, Aromatic Crops, Orchards and Ornamentals.