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Multiplex NISARGA Trichoderma Viride 1.5% WP Bio-Fungicide (Powder)

Rs. 220.00 Rs. 240.00

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Multiplex NISARGA Trichoderma Viride 1.5% WP Bio-Fungicide (Powder) Details :
  • Active Ingredients :- Trichoderma viride 1.5% w.p / Trichoderma viride 5% L.F
  • Controls Seeds and soil borne diseases like root rot, damping off, fungal wilts etc., occurring in vegetables, fruit crops, field crops pulses and plantation crops.
  • Effectively controls Ganoderma wilts in Arecanuts and Coconuts.
  • crop :- All Crops
  • Mode Of Action :- NISARGA, potential fungal bioagent can also suppress other pathogenic fungus by means of antibiosis (Suppression by means of secondary metabolites) and competition for nutrients. Nisarga secretes cellulase and chitinase enzymes which destroys the cell wall of the disease-causing pathogenic fungi or bacteria resulting in suppression of pathogenic load
DOSAGE & Methods Of Application
  • For liquid based: 2 litres/ acre | For Carrier based: 5 kg/ acre
  • Seed Treatment: Mix 20 gm/ 2 to 3 ml in 10ml of water to give proper coating on 1kg of seed.
  • Soil Application: Mix 2 to 5 kg of Nisarga in 2 MT of FYM & broadcast over one acre before planting
  • Nursery: 50 g/ Sq. Mt or mix 1 kg/ 1Ltr of Nisarga in100 liter of water and drench it in the nursery bed.
  • Seedling Dipping: Mix 100g/ 10ml of Nisarga in one litre of water and dip the roots of seedling in the suspension for 10 to 15 min before transplanting.
  • Drip Irrigation: Apply 1 to 2 Litre of Nisarga/ acre of land through drip irrigation.
  • Frequency of Application: Two to three applications in vegetables and field crops and 4 to 5 applications in lawns/ landscape crops at 2 to 4 weeks interval are recommended.
Precautions :
  • Applications of Nisarga at early stages is better to get better protection of the crop from disease incidences as beneficial Trichoderma will get sufficient time to get established in the soil.
  • Don’t mix with any fungicides and harsh chemicals while applying Nisarga.
FAQs with answers for Multiplex Nisarga Trichoderma Viride 1.5% WP Bio Fungicide Powder:
1. What is Multiplex Nisarga Trichoderma Viride Bio Fungicide?
Answer: Multiplex Nisarga is a bio-fungicide containing Trichoderma Viride 1.5% WP, a beneficial fungus that protects crops from various soil-borne fungal diseases by promoting healthy plant growth.
2. What is the primary use of Trichoderma Viride in agriculture?
Answer: Trichoderma Viride is used to control fungal pathogens like Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Fusarium, and Sclerotium, which cause root rot, damping-off, and wilt in crops.
3. How does Trichoderma Viride work as a bio-fungicide?
Answer: Trichoderma Viride suppresses harmful fungi by competing for nutrients and space, producing enzymes that degrade fungal cell walls, and stimulating the plant’s natural defense mechanisms.
4. On which crops can Multiplex Nisarga Bio Fungicide be applied?
Answer: It can be used on a wide range of crops, including vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses, oilseeds, and plantation crops to prevent soil-borne diseases.
5. How should Multiplex Nisarga Bio Fungicide be applied?
Answer: It can be applied by seed treatment, soil drenching, or mixing with compost for soil application. Always follow the product instructions for the appropriate method based on the crop.
6. What is the recommended dosage of Multiplex Nisarga Bio Fungicide?
Answer: For seed treatment, use 5-10 grams per kg of seeds. For soil application, mix 2-2.5 kg of the product per acre with compost or farmyard manure.

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