MALTOSE AZOTO is a great source of nitrogen fixer to meet crop N requirements and also has the capability to cause a rejuvenation of soil micro flora and helps in biological fixation of nitrogen. MALTOSE AZOTO is a free-living bacterium that fixes atmospheric nitrogen to soil. Atmospheric nitrogen (N) is converted into nitrate form which is absorbed by the plants.
- Maltose AzotoDecreases these N(ammonia) Fertilizer by 40% by fixing the atmospheric nitrogen by producing the enzymes such as ferredoxin, hydrogenase and nitrogenase.
- Azoto improves seeds germination, enhances plant growth and provides tolerance to plant against high salts. Maltose Azoto shows improvising in crop production by producing auxins, cytokines and GA-like substances hence Increases the crop yield by 20-50%
Recommended Crops:
Maltose Azoto – is suitable for Fruit crops, Vegetable crops, Flower crops, plantation crops, Spices and condiments crops, Medicinal crops, Aromatic crops and gardening plants.
Application rate and Method of application:
- Soil application: 1 litre/ acre- recommended 2-3 application for better results.
- Drip irrigation: 1 litre/ acre- recommended 2-3 application for better results.